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Quality Gerflor Vinyl for entrances and corridors

Entrances and corridors are places in the house that don’t always reveal their true potential! For entrances, the requirements are above all functional: somewhere to store shoes, hang jackets, put keys, empty pockets... Organisation is a priority. 

Corridors, however, have no other function than to connect rooms of the house, and, as a result, are often rather bare. So, how can we spruce up these oft forgotten areas? 


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Which floor to choose for your entrance? 

The entrance is a room that sees a lot of action: splashes from umbrellas, footprints made before taking off your shoes, rubbish bags put down while you find your keys... This area often gets dirty, so needs to be easy to clean. Gerflor PVC, with its revolutionary surface coatings, is ideal: thanks to the anti-stain treatment, and requiring little water or cleaning products, it is THE solution to make your entrance look beautiful in just a few minutes! 

Decorative ideas for your entrance floor 

Depending on its size, the entrance can be considered a room in itself. As such, it can have its own atmosphere (all the more so if it is separate from the living room)! With a variety of designs, such as a cement tile effect for a chic rustic look, or a dark wood herringbone pattern for a traditional bourgeois floor, or even a cement or raw concrete effect to camouflage the trials of the day, Gerflor floor coverings have been created to suit all tastes. 

Corridor: light-loving floor coverings 

Often windowless, corridors can sometimes be quite dark. Picking a design based on the light effect it offers opens up many possibilities: brighten up your corridor with light colours and natural materials, such as the Senso Premium Clic Columbia, or create a cosy atmosphere with a dark floor and subdued lighting. You could even turn your corridor into a real statement room with the Cordoba Ivory design from the Senso Premium Easy collection! 

@athiseo rénovation hall

Passageways, corridors and halls are transitional rooms, to be furnished with care to give style to the house...

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Are you working on a renovation project? Do you want to make your living room more welcoming? Or give your bathroom a new look?

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